Author: Τάνια Αναγνωστοπούλου

Βιβλία Ψυχολογίας: Η φαντασία στην ψυχοθεραπεία

Imagery and imagination in psychotherapy

Imagery and imagination present unique advantages in psychotherapy: the almost immediate mobilization of affects, the externalization and resolution of inner conflicts through symbolism and the transcendence of mundane reality. It is widely used in a number of therapeutic approaches such as art therapy, drama therapy etc.

In this book, specific approaches are presented which employ imagery as the principal method to induce therapeutic change. The theoretical part of this book explores the conditions that make change possible through imagery.

  • Συγγραφέας: Τάνια Αναγνωστοπούλου
  • Εκδόσεις: Εκδόσεις Γ&Κ. Δαρδανός
  • ISBN: 960-8041-67-8
  • Σελίδες: 181
  • Περιεχόμενα
Βιβλίο Ψυχολογιάς: Βιωματική μάθηση

Experiential learning: A practical guide for teachers and psychologists

This book is essentially a practical guide to implementing experiential learning activities in the social and emotional domains of learning.  It is a guide for educators, psychologists, coaches, and other adults to work with children in groups.  It illustrates how social and emotional experiences are understood to promote learning.  It outlines a method by which students process activities, helping children to become aware and synthesize these experiences.  The following five steps comprise the cycle of learning that the book describes in detail:

  • Experience the activity.  What activities are considered experiential?  How do I choose amongst activities? Most likely there will be an element of newness for the learner, or a certain degree of risk of failure.  Questions a teacher might ask at this point in the process include “What’s going on?” and “How do you feel about that?”
  • Share the results and reactions publicly.  Get youth to talk about the experience, sharing their observations, reactions, and feelings.  Questions are geared to generating data about the experience and might include, “What did you observe?” or “Were there any surprises or puzzlements?”  Students and educators acknowledge the ideas presented and through them each other.
  • Process the experience.  Here learners analyze and reflect on what happened, making sense of the data they’ve generated.  Have them discuss how the activity was carried out, problems or issues the experience presented, how problems were addressed.  “What does that mean to you?” “How might it have been different?” or “How was that good or bad?” are questions that encourage investigation.
  • Generalize what was learned to other experiences.  Identify and document the real life principles that surfaced.  Good questions that foster idea expansion include, “What did you learn or relearn?” “Does that remind you of anything?” and “What does that help to explain?” Students and educators make bridges to their community and to broader systems.
  • Apply the learning to other situations.  Youth discuss how they might apply new insights to other situations, and how it might be useful to real life situations in the future.  Questions at this stage direct them to apply the knowledge gained to their lives and might include, “What would you like to do with this information?” or “How could you make it better?” Students and educators become agents of change and transformation.

Implementing this cycle of learning is not easy and the book offers readers clear guidelines for their role as facilitators, aspects of the group process and dynamics that they need to pay attention to, and how to evaluate the outcomes of their efforts.  The book is a product of 25-years of experience working in education, working with groups, teaching and learning. We hope that it is informative, useful, and transformative because there is no doubt that children’s experiences are important and it is only through experience that genuine reform can become possible.

  • Συγγραφέας: Σοφία Τριλίβα, Τάνια Αναγνωστοπούλου
  • Εκδόσεις: Τόπος
  • ISBN: 978-960-6863-00-4
  • Σελίδες: 166
βιβλία Ψυχολογίας: Ούτε καλύτερος, ούτε χειρότερος, απλά διαφορετικός

Neither better, not worse, just different

This book describes the diversity sensitization program applied in several greek elementary schools during the period 2002-2005. The general goals of the program were to help educators implement an anti-bias education and diversity training curriculum and more specifically the objectives of each module were:

  • To recognize and express emotions (Mayer & Salovey, 1997) as they pertain to differences, prejudice and discrimination.
  • To honour similarities and differences (Gaertner & Dovidio, 2000) and examine diverse points of views.
  • To promote social awareness-empathy and perspective taking (Gibbs, 2003; Selman, 2003).
  • To understand the mechanisms of how stereotypes develop (Allport, 1954; Barrett, 2007; Fiske, 2004) and explore how prejudice and bias come about.
  • To recognize ways through which stereotypes can be overturned and apply these methods (Fiske, 1992; Fiske, 2000; Fiske, Cuddy, Glick & Xu, 2002; Fiske, 2004; Lee & Fiske 2006; Fiske, Cuddy & Glick, 2007 and Fiske, 2008).
  • To develop effective communication techniques in dealing with controversy (Isaacs, 1999).
  • To take positive social action against biases, stereotypes and prejudice (Gibbs, 2003; Gilligan, 1982; Noddings, 1984; Selman, 2003).
  • Συγγραφέας: Σ. Τριλίβα, T. Αναγνωστοπούλου, Σ. Χατζηνικολάου
  • Εκδόσεις: Gutenberg
  • ISBN: 978-960-01-1254-2
  • Σελίδες: 366
Βιβλία Ψυχολογίας: Ψυχαναλυτική διάγνωση

Psychoanalytic diagnosis

Nancy McWilliams’ bestseller volume explicates the major clinically important character types and suggests how an appreciation of the patient’s individual personality structure should influence the therapist’s focus and style of intervention. Major personality types include the antisocial, the narcissistic, the paranoid, the schizoid, the depressive, the manic, the masochistic, the hysterical, the obsessional and the dissociative structures. Nancy McWilliams writes in a lucid, personal manner that demystifies psychodynamic theory and practice. Numerous clinical vignettes are presented with humor, candor, and compassion, bringing abstract concepts to life.

  • Συγγραφέας: Nancy McWilliams
  • Επιμελήτρια: Τ. Αναγνωστοπούλου, Σ. Τριλίβα
  • Εκδόσεις: Ελληνικά Γράμματα
  • ISBN: 960-393-131-4
  • Σελίδες: 766
Βιβλία Ψυχολογίας: Ψυχαναλυτική διατύπωση περιπτώσεων

Psychoanalytic case formulation (out of print)

What kinds of questions do experienced therapists ask themselves when facing a new client? How can clinical expertise be taught? From the author of the landmark Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, this book takes clinicians step-by-step through developing an understanding of each client’s unique psychology and using this information to guide and inform treatment decisions. McWilliams shows that while seasoned practitioners rely upon established diagnostic categories for record-keeping and insurance purposes, their actual clinical concepts and practices reflect more inferential, subjective, and intuitive processes. Interweaving illustrative case examples with theoretical insights and clinically significant research, chapters cover assessment of client temperament, developmental issues, defenses, affects, identifications, relational patterns, self-esteem needs, and pathogenic beliefs.

  • Συγγραφέας: Nancy McWilliams
  • Επιμελήτρια: Τ. Αναγνωστοπούλου
  • Εκδόσεις: Εκδόσεις ΙΨΥ
  • ISBN: 960-87310-1-1
  • Σελίδες: 398
  • Τιμή: € 23
Βιβλία Ψυχολογίας: Το πένθος στα παιδιά

Penthos English Presentation

The purpose of this guide is to help parents and teachers support a child during loss. Using examples from daily life and step-by- step instructions the book explains the way children understand loss and death according to their age as well as appropriate ways to respond to common questions:

  • How do we explain a parent’s serious illness to a child?
  • Should children attend funerals?
  • How do we behave when a sibling is seriously ill?
  • How do we support a child witnessing a serious accident?
  • How do we support a child with cancer?
  • What do we tell a child when someone in the family commits suicide?

Teachers can also find useful material in this book pertaining to experiential activities to implement in the classroom as well as answers to questions:

  • What can a teacher do when one of the students is seriously ill?
  • How could school administration handle the death of a teacher or student?
  • Why do we need to be proactive and help children understand loss prior to experiencing it?
  • Συγγραφέας: Tanya Anagnostopoulou, Ph.D., Hatzinikolaou, S., Ph.D.
  • Εκδόσεις: IPSY Books
  • Έτος Έκδοσης: 2015
  • ISBN: 9789608 731059
  • Σελίδες: 420
  • Τιμή: € 28
  • Περιεχόμενα
Βιβλία Ψυχολογίας: Ηθικά ζητήματα στην ψυχολογία

Ethical issues in psychology

This book consists of original and translated articles regarding ethical problems in psychotherapy and counseling, psychological assessment, supervision, research, and teaching. It describes the most common problems encountered in daily practice in various professional settings. This book is addressed to  all mental health professionals and aims at promoting self-reflection and a deeper understanding of ethical issues.

  • Επιμελήτρια: Τάνια Αναγνωστοπούλου
  • Εκδόσεις: Εκδόσεις ΙΨΥ
  • Έτος Έκδοσης 2008
  • ISBN: 978-960-87310-3-5
  • Σελίδες: 462
  • Τιμή: € 26
  • Περιεχόμενα
Βιβλία Ψυχολογίας: Ψυχαναλυτική ψυχοθεραπεία: Ένας οδηγός για επαγγελματίες

Psychoanalytic psychotherapy: A practitioner’s guide

Building on the enormous popularity of her two previous texts on diagnosis and case formulation, this important work from Nancy McWilliams completes the trilogy by addressing in detail the art and science of psychodynamic treatment. McWilliams distills the essential principles of clinical practice, including effective listening and talking; transference and countertransference; emotional safety; and an empathic, attuned attitude toward the patient. The author describes the values, assumptions, and clinical and research findings that guide the psychoanalytic enterprise, and shows how to integrate elements of other theoretical perspectives when necessary. She also discusses the phases of treatment and covers such neglected topics as educating the client about the therapeutic process, handling complex challenges to boundaries, and attending to self-care. Presenting complex clinical information in personal, nontechnical language enriched by in-depth clinical vignettes, this is an essential psychoanalytic work and training text for therapists.

  • Συγγραφέας: Nancy McWilliams
  • Επιμελήτρια: Τ. Αναγνωστοπούλου
  • Εκδόσεις: Εκδόσεις ΙΨΥ
  • Έτος Έκδοσης 2006
  • ISBN: 960-87310-2-x
  • Σελίδες: 664
  • Τιμή: € 28
  • Περιεχόμενα
Βιβλία Ψυχολογίας: Ψυχαναλυτική Διατύπωση Περιπτώσεων Β Έκδοση

Psychoanalytic case formulation

What kinds of questions do experienced therapists ask themselves when facing a new client? How can clinical expertise be taught? From the author of the landmark Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, this book takes clinicians step-by- step through developing an understanding of each client’s unique psychology and using this information to guide and inform treatment decisions. Interweaving illustrative case examples with theoretical insights and clinically significant research, chapters cover assessment of client temperament, developmental issues, defenses, affects, identifications, relational patterns, self-esteem needs, and pathogenic beliefs.

  • Συγγραφέας: Nancy McWilliams
  • Επιμελήτρια: Τ. Αναγνωστοπούλου
  • Εκδόσεις: Εκδόσεις ΙΨΥ
  • Έτος Έκδοσης 2017
  • ISBN: 978-960-87310-6-6
  • Σελίδες: 382
  • Τιμή: € 26
  • Περιεχόμενα